RPR Sound

RPR SOUNDSYSTEM aka RHADOO, PEDRO & RARESH. Trei DJ de la rasarit, care au pornit o intensa campanie de cucerire a lumii. Rhadoo si Pedro sunt de patru ani rezidenti ai petrecerilor Circoloco @ DC10 Ibiza. Raresh "lucreaza" in weekend in cele mai mari cluburi ale lumii, din Brazilia pana in Italia si din cand in cand se mai intoarce si in Romania. Cei trei au fondat labelul de muzica electronica [a:rpia:r]. Mixeaza impreuna, intr-o formula inovatoare, denumita ping-pong [un back2back in trei] si se completeaza admirabil. Vibe, energie, voie buna, reteta pur romaneasca!
RHADOO + PEDRO + RARESH. Three DJs from the East, that are leading and intense campaign of conquering the world. Rhadoo and Pedro have been residents of Circoloco @ DC10 Ibiza parties for the last four years. Raresh "works" every weekend in the biggest clubs of the world, from Brasil to Italy and sometimes he is coming back to Romania. They have founded [a:rpia:r] the electronic music label in 2007 & now already preparing for the 5th release. They play music together in an innovative formula [back2back in three] and the complete each other extremely good. Vibe, energy, happy mood, a pure Romanian recipe. For 2009 the trio looking forward to go on tour in South America, Japan, Australia & USA.
  • Dec.10.17

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  • Dec.02.17

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  • Dec.01.17

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  • Nov.11.17

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  • Nov.10.17

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If you are interested in booking this artist please write us at andreea@sunrise.ro