R107, sau RIOT, este unul dintre cei mai noi si tineri artisti din agentia Sunrise. A inceput sa devina implicat in zona muzicala cu putin timp in urma, zona artistica de activitate fiind aleasa dupa ce a lucrat pentru club GuestHouse. Inainte de acest moment s-a regasit in scena techno fiind fotograf pentru petrecerile de gen.
Fiind inconjurat de acest curent techno, a oferit o sansa muzicii prin implicare directa in aceasta industrie. Herodot a fost unul dintre primii artisti care l-au remarcat si mai apoi l-a sustinut sa aprofundeze, fapt ce a dus la continuarea acestei directii.
Din 2017, R107 a avut ocazia sa cante pe scena Waha (Romania), Midi( Cluj, Romania), Club Control (Bucuresti) dar si in strainatate: Corsica si Elvetia. De peste un an investeste timp si energie pentru productie, lasandu-se inspirat din hip hop si drum and bass. In prezent, lucreaza sa fructifice acest aspect intr-unul din studiourile de la Sunrise Hub.
R107, or the play upon word for RIOT is one of the freshest and youngest members of Sunrise Agency. He started to get involved with music not long ago but this career pattern he chose was picked up after he worked for GuestHouse Club in Bucharest and even earlier than this, he surrounded himself with his music scene by being a clubbing photographer for some time.
Naturally, he was inspired by his work environment and gave music a try. He proved rapidly that he is inherently native for electronic music. Herodot was one of the first artists who supported him to dig deeper and that happened to be his true calling all along.
Since 2017, R107 played for Waha (Romania), Midi (Cluj, Romania), Control Club (Bucharest) and also in Corsica and Switzerland. For more than a year he invested all of his time and energy for production, having his inspiration from old tunes of hip hop and drum and bass. He is currently working on this matter in one studio of Sunrise Hub.