
Adrian Niculae, sau mai simplu si mai resonant, Priku, mixeaza din 2004, din 2007 figureaza ca membru Sunrise cu acte-n regula De aici incepe si toata distractia la pupitru, langa Marco Carola, Zip, Ricardo Villalobos, Luciano, Troy Pierce, Pascal FEOS, Monika Kruse, Tania Vulcano, Cassy, Sascha Funke si, evident, langa fratii, verisorii si celelalte neamuri de la rasarit, recte Arpiarii, Kozo, El Cezere, Dan Andrei, Praslea ... si familia. 2008 l-a gasit direct in Underground, Ibiza, la un gig exceptional ce l-a aterizat un an mai tarziu in Florenza, Roma, la mult apreciatul festival Kazantip din Ukraina, Croatia si nu in cele din urma, la Silo, in Belgia. Un tanar absolut talentat, manuieste-n permanenta un groove care nu te lasa sa stai jos, il remarci mereu la Sunwaves, se bucura de aprecierea colegilor si clubberilor si e hotarat sa-si indrepte toata atentia catre productie. Una peste alta, sfarsitul lui 2009 i-a adus si primul release; noi detalii legate de muzica, in curand pe site. Urmareste-l la evenimente, iti va incalzi inima si obosi picioarele. Parol.
Adrian Niculae, or more covibrating Priku, spins the deck since 2004, starting '07 he's been a full time member in the Sunrise family. This was the point when all the fun got loose alongside Marco Carola, Zip, Ricardo Villalobos, Luciano, Troy Pierce, Pascal FEOS, Monika Kruse, Tania Vulcano, Cassy, Sascha Funke and of course the bros, cousins and in-laws from the sunrise, meaning the Arpiars, Kozo, El Cezere, Dan Andrei, Praslea ... and co. 2008 caught him straight in Ibiza's Underground at a smashing gig landing him, one year later, in Florence, Rome, the beloved Kazantip festival in Ukraine, Croatia and last, but not least, at Silo, in Belgium. A remarkably talented young man, constantly handling an addictive to dance on groove, always distinguished at Sunwaves, enjoys all the appreciation of the colleagues and clubbers and he's convinced into fully bettering his style towards his own productions. All in all, the end of 2009 brought him his first release, fresh details regarding music, coming soon. By all means, do course him at events in town, he'll fire your heart and tire your legs. Honour bright.
  • Sep.23.17

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  • Sep.08.17

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  • Sep.02.17

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  • Aug.27.17

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  • Aug.24.17

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