
La fel ca multi artisti din industrie, Lumieux a inceput sa-si exploreze curiozitatea pentru muzica de cand era doar un adolescent. Dupa cativa ani in care a reusit sa isi construiasca un background solid, productiile lui au facut valuri in industrie, iesind pe piata de muzica electronica cu releaseuri la diferite case de discuri, cum ar fi : Dissonant, Purple INC, Subtil Records, Why So Series si multi altii. A facut parte din lineup-ul mai multor festivaluri ca Waha, SNRS48, Dor de munte, dar l-ati putut asculta si in diferite cluburi precum Guesthouse, Gazgolder, Eden sau Supermarket. Pe tot parcursul acestei evolutii, se poate observa trecerea de la cele mai intunecate colturi ale underground-ului, pana la stilul surprinzator si dansant care il caracterizeaza astazi
Like most talented artists in the field, razvan aka Lumieux started to explore his curiosity for music since he was just a teenager.After years of hard work and commitment, his production made waves in the industry, and very soon after that he released for labels such as dissonant, purple inc, trapped london and subtil rec. you may have seen him in the line-up for waha festival, guesthouse bucharest or club midi, and for sure you’ve listened to his tracks in many more other places. Somehow the DJ's name Lumieux was evolved from the dubbiest and darkest corners of the underground to a surprisingly deep and lighted techno. And over all his track selection comes this excellent groove...
  • Dec.10.17

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  • Dec.02.17

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  • Dec.01.17

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  • Nov.11.17

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  • Nov.10.17

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