Livio si Roby, sau asocierea care a revolutionat deep tech-house-ul local si s-a extins mai departe de gandul multora dintre cei care au subapreciat scena electronica romaneasca, este duo-ul care in 2004 si-a asamblat creativitatea, pentru a deveni una dintre cele mai solide si prolifice echipe de platan, de la noi.
Cu un stil rafinat in timp, o ureche fina si ceva productie la activ, in 2005 l-au cooptat pe George G, creand Monochrome, actual Premiesku, proiect inspirat de motivele etno ale muzicii traditionale romanesti.
De aici, releasurile si remixurile au inceput sa curga relaxat; cu notorietatea in ascensiune si multa inspiratie, Livio si Roby au bifat label-uri ca Viva, Cecille, Junior Boy's Own, Fumakilla si, cel mai recent, Desolat.
In 2006, Monochrome a curatat de premii competitia Heineken Music Thirst Studio Global Session, adjudecand Global Winners si People's Choice Award, 2007 gasindu-i in drum spre Las Vegas, pentru a reprezenta Romania, sub auspicii Heineken.
Aprecierile nu s-au lasat asteptate, Dj Mag si Juice catalogandu-le prestatia de la Tao Beach drept elementul de baza al weekend-ului.
Odata cu release-ul 'Children of house' a venit si propunerea de rezidenta in Studio Martin, seara pe care baietii au hotarat s-o numeasca intocmai, Martin, Kristal si La Mania devenind cluburile in care cu totii i-am vazut performand regulat.
Anul si realizarile; 2008 le-a pus pe raft alte premii, Best Producers, la South Eastern Europe Music Exhibition Awards si Best Upcoming Artist - Roby, la Awards.
Adiacent binemeritatei recunoasteri, L & R au devenit si gazde la One fm, unde timp de 2h, impreuna cu invitatii lor, au livrat, cui a ascultat, doar muzica buna.
Tot in 2008, dupa un set mixat impreuna, Loco Dice s-a declarat fascinat de talentul conationalilor, motiv pentru care i-a invitat sa se alature familiei Artist Alife.
De acolo pana la Desolat, a ramas doar pasul pe care l-au facut deja, cel mai recent release,'Tribute', fiind deja lansat si ascultat.
Premii, seturi, releasuri, remixuri, o paleta intreaga ce raspunde la numele de Livio & Roby. Si multe picioare obosite, in jurul lumii.
De acum, contactabili la Sunrise.
Livio and Roby, the association revolutionizing the local deep tech-house scene, expanding beyond the thoughts of most of the ones underestimating the Romanian electronic movement.
The two fastened their creativity in 2004, becoming one of the most solid and spawning deck teams around.
With a smarten up style, a discriminating ear and some production skills, they co-opted George G in 2005, hammering out Monochrome, now Premiesku, a project inspired by the etno area of the Romanian traditional music.
From that point, releases and remixes started flowing, as the awareness was increasing and the inspiration was pouring, Livio and Roby scored labels such as Viva, Cecille, Junior Boy's Own, Fumakilla and, recently, Desolat.
In 2006, Monochrome cleared out the awards at the Heineken Music Thirst Studio Global Session, knocking down Global Winners and People's Choice Award, one year later being on their way to Las Vegas, to represent Romania, under aegis of Heineken.
Credits didn't take too long to show up, as Dj Mag and Juice tabulated their performance as the headline of the weekend. At the same time as the release of 'Children of house', the proposal for a monthly residence in Studio Martin came, so the boys decided they should name it likewise; Martin, Kristal and La Mania being the places where everybody could spot them at the deck, on a regular basis.
The year and the accomplishments; 2008 crowded their shelves with new prizes: Best Producers, at the South Eastern Europe Music Exhibition Awards and Best Upcoming Artist - Roby, at the Awards.
Neighboring their well-deserved recognition, L & R also became One FM hosts, as they delivered only good music in their 2h show, alongside their special guests.
After sharing the deck with Loco Dice, in 2008, he declared himself fascinated by the talent of our countrymen, inviting them to join the Artist Alife family.
From that point, the step to Desolat was as easy as 1, 2, 3, as their 'Tribute' release is now out on the market.
Prizes, sets, releases, remixes, a whole variety answering to Livio & Roby. And lots of tired legs, around the world.
From now on, reachable at Sunrise.