
Inca din copilarie, lumea lui Kozo s-a invartit in jurul muzicii. Fie ca vorbim despre techno sau house, funk sau minimal, seturile sale sunt o calatorie seducatoare in scena clubbing actuala. A mixat in majoritatea cluburilor notabile din Bucuresti, dar si in multe din cele din tara, iar de e 4 ani se afla in familia Sunrise Booking. A impartit pupitrul cu Zip, [a:rpia:r], Dj Sneak, Ricardo Villalobos, Tania Vulcano sau Valentino Kanzyani si a bifat lineup-ul Sunwaves Fest de 5 ori, pana in prezent. De altfel. a mixat si in afara granitelor, in Rex Club (Paris), Silo (Bruxelles), Underground; Privilege (Ibiza) si Odeon Theater (Amsterdam). In momentul de fata, impreuna cu Praslea si El Cezere, lucreaza la propriului lor label, Understand, intentionand sa-l propulseze pe varful valului miscarii electronice.
Young and uprising, totally passioned about the tech side of electronic music, Kozo isn't afraid to touch both house and techno genre to complete his musical journey. His sets are groovy and uplifting, filling floors all around country and venues abroad like the Odeon Theatre in Amsterdam, Silo (Leuven), Robert Johnson, Rex Paris or the Privilege & Underground clubs in Ibiza. In the past years Kozo has played alongside dj's like Zip, Rhadoo, Raresh, Dj Sneak, Ricardo Villalobos, Tania Vulcano, Thomas Melchior, or Seth Troxler to name a few. Past projects include producing the BPM Radio show with Rhadoo and Selectro with Marika, Cote and Gicu. These days Kozo is focusing all his strenght in production together with friends Praslea and El Cezere. Their label is minutes away from birth so stay tuned for some fresh tunes !
  • Dec.10.17

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  • Dec.02.17

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  • Dec.01.17

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  • Nov.11.17

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  • Nov.10.17

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If you are interested in booking this artist please write us at andreea@sunrise.ro