
Aflat intr-un continuu progres, Emi este notat ca unul dintre acei artisti underground care reuseste sa isi dedice tot timpul catre aceasta miscare electronica. Noul membru al agentiei Sunrise este familiarizat cu scena techno si a fost prezent la cele mai importante evenimente de gen, atat in tara: precum Sunwaves, club Guesthouse, SNRS48 dar si in afara: Elvetia- pentru Supermarket, Tel Aviv- The Block, Londra – pentru Studio 338, Barcelona- pentru Off Week. Atat Dj cat si producator, Emi este constant motivat de redirectionarea inspiratiei si se reprezinta sub mai multe pseudonime in capitolul releasuri: Emi Nescu/ Visullucid. Toate acestea se regasesc pe Discogs. Sub labelul Contur are colaborarea cu Suciu din 2017- “Ritmico”, ‘The Future Future Sound’ din 2016 cu Dan Andrei. Alte aparitii notabile: ‘Fabric 78’ cu Rares si cu Rhadoo- ‘Fabric 72’.
Finding himself in a perpetual progress, Emi is pinned up as one of those artists who dedicates all of his energy towards this electronic movement. This new member of Sunrise Agency is well disclosed with the techno scene. He played in Romania for Sunwaves, Gueshouse Club, SNRS48 and more. Nonetheless he has made a good reputation abroad for one of the most impressive clubs and events such as: Supermarket in Switzerland, for The Block in Tel Aviv, London- Studio 338 and Barcelona for the Off Week Festival. Being constantly motivated for redirecting his sources of inspiration as a DJ and a producer, Emi can be found on Discogs under several aliases: Emi Nescu/ Visullucid. Under his label “Contur” he worked with Suciu, in 2017 for the release of ‘Ritmico’ and in 2016 with Dan Andrei for ‘The Future Future Sound’. Alongside these releases he worked on ‘Fabric 78’ with Raresh and for ‘Fabric 72’ with Rhadoo.
  • Dec.10.17

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  • Dec.02.17

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  • Dec.01.17

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  • Nov.11.17

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  • Nov.10.17

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If you are interested in booking this artist please write us at andreea@sunrise.ro