Dan Andrei

Dan Andrei este o alta aparitie nonsalanta si revigoranta in spatiul muzical house, desi este, culmea, neinfluentat de house. Are deja 5 ani de cand s-a apucat de muzica, insa, in ciuda zonei electronice in care activeaza, influentele lui vin din rock, hip hop, soul, funk si trip hop. Chiar daca retelele de socializare sunt in topul artistilor, ca si mijloc de promovare, Dan Andrei are o aversiune maxima fata de ele, motiv pentru care il vei gasi mai degraba la warm-up la Ricardo Villalobos si [a:rpia:r] sau la Sunwaves, decat pe Facebook. Ca si release-uri, are sub nume Just Music si Saint Omar, la Be Chosen si Untitled 1 / Untitled 2 si Ramble on / Four Sticks, la Kurbits Records. Alte aparitii mai sunt si In the mix - Green and Blue, la Cocoon Recordings, 3rd exposure, Exposed Audio, 200709, la Loopzilla si Taram EP, lansat de [a:rpia:r]. Este clar in lista 'trebuie ascultat'.
Dan Andrei is another off-hand and refreshing burst in the house musical playground, although he's not influenced by house. Already in the musical field for 5 years now and against the electronic scene he chose activating in, his influences come from rock to hip hop, soul, funk and trip hop. Even though social networks are artists best friends on promoting nowadays, Dan Andrei dislikes this area extremely, so you might find him doing the warm-up for Ricardo Villalobos and [a:rpia:r], or playing at Sunwaves, rather than on Facebook. As releases, he has under his name Just Music and Saint Omar, at Be Chosen and Untitled 1 / Untitled 2 and Ramble on / Four Sticks, at Kurbits Records. Other appearances feature In the mix - Green and Blue, at Cocoon Recordings, 3rd exposure at Exposed Audio, 200709 at Loopzilla and Taram EP, released by [a:rpia:r]. He's definitely in the 'must listen to' list.
  • Dec.10.17

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  • Dec.02.17

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  • Dec.01.17

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  • Nov.11.17

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  • Nov.10.17

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If you are interested in booking this artist please write us at andreea@sunrise.ro